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The Loveable Person Tribute To All Medical Staff Fighting With Coronavinus

30 Oct
  • Chinese Free Vaccine
  • Free Vaccinated for workers of OstarBeauty
  • Our worker is waiting for vaccinated

On 28th Oct 2020, All workers of JAMI vaccinated for COVID 19 in the third times FREELY .


As a chinese, we are pround. The COVID 19 coming from Feb 2020 in China, but all chinese defeated within only 2 monthes. And then our contry develop three types vaccine for all chinese FREELY.


From the statitics of goverment, chinese vaccinated 2 257 584 000 times for COVID 19. and there are more than 70% chinese will vaccinated in near future. All vaccine are FREELY for all chinese.

As a chinese company, we can work in normal and don't worry the coronavinus. we feel our contry is really great. Also many thanks for all medical staff, most of them works more than 12hours every days. they fight with coronavinus and service all chinese , they are the hero.


At the same time, JAMI hope all human will pass the coronavinus period safely all over the world.and we know there are too many medical straff service for their contries and people. they are all the hero, the protectors

Keep away the vinus and make world peace. Lets try together for a beauty and healthy new life.