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2022 NEW Arrival Anti-Back Flow Microneedle Derma Stamp Pen

02 Dec
  • NEW Anti-Flow Derma Stamp Pen
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As we all know, microneedle treatment is the most effective for skin treatment, including acne removal, pigment removal, nutrient leading-in, lip enhacement,skin moisturizing, skin anti-aging and so on…
The tiny needle will create more than 200 000 micro channels in a minute into skin, so that it's the most important for safely. treatment.

In the market, more than 80% dermapen aren't anti-flow types, it has a big risk that the serum or blood will going into the dermapen from needle cartridges, and it's dangerous if don't sterilize the dermapen fully before the second used.


JAMI created the new mould anti-flow dermapen to solve the hidden dangers permanently.

Features: anti-back flow designed micro needling pen
Safe: sterile, single use cartridge
Ingress protection to prevent any blood, fluid or serum present during the procedure from penetrating into the pen.
Anti-back flow designed helps protect your patients from potential cross-contamination, ensuring the fluids generated during the procedure do not pass from contaminated glove to pen
Convenient and efficient:
2 rechargeable batteries convenient for operation
Strong motor assure high and stable speed during treatment.